

If you have sinned, come forward.

I’m a sinner. Maybe you are too. For some of the times I accidentally, and for every time I intentionally committed a sin, it brought me closer to living a free and happy life. I was conscious that I was backsliding, yet remarkably I was also moving forward. How did I know I was sinning? Because my religion and society told me so.

What about YOU? Are you afraid of sinning? Afraid of judgement and being shunned?

I was born in to a religious cult and submissive to it for the first 30 years of my life. How did I break free? One sin at a time.

Do you want to have a relationship with someone, travel, move to a new place, seek out higher education, or finally get out of that closet?

I know how you feel. I wanted all of those things but felt like I couldn’t have them. I was paralyzed to live life on my terms because I was entrenched in a religious organization that told me all those things were wrong.

You might feel shame about those things, just like I did. You know that your desires will be met with disapproval by your leaders, friends, and family.

How can you be happy and true to yourself without ruining your life?

I can tell you how I did it, and hopefully offer you the courage to get yourself finally living a life that you desire, embracing all the things that make your heart sing.

If you’ve sinned, don’t let it beat you down. Rather, take a new view on it and recognize your courage. It’s how you’ll free yourself from fear, shame, guilt, judgement and oppression. Trust me, lightning shall not strike you. I waited for it too and it never came. Instead, I moved forward, so as to make progress until I was finally free to be me.

For good measure…

I am distinctly NOT talking about the kind of sins that we can all agree do harm to other people. Murder, violence, betrayal, and robbery come to mind, but that’s just a short-list. The sins of which this blog is about wouldn’t be considered sins at all by a lot of people, yet have been deemed sins by religious or social convention.

In addition, my stories sometimes involve other people. when I have permission from them, I use their real name. When I don’t have permission, I change their name and do my best not to identify them by changing a few minor descriptive details. When I feel it’s appropriate, I name towns, and other times not. I make every effort to keep it honest while not intentionally causing harm to others.

Let’s have conversations about it while employing our best common sense and respect toward our fellow humans. Stories will be added as I write them. Anything you want to confess, a story you want to tell? I’ll listen. And if you want, I’ll share your experience here. Go to the Confession Booth/Contact page and send me an email. Welcome to a safe place, my friend.